From the very early days of The Organized Life, I wrote and sent out by email an organizing-related Tip of the Week, which I also captured on my blog—which, hello mid-2000s!, lived on Blogger. In early 2016, as part of a revamp of my website, I started migrating many of these older tips/posts to the integrated blog on my site.
Now that the stand-alone website for The Organized Life is going away, I’m migrating those posts from that site to this one, because there are some solid tidbits there that I don’t want to lose. So it’ll look like I’m posting a lot here in a very short amount of time, but only because I’m speedily unpacking my old boxes of content in this new home.
Bit by bit, I’ll probably also bring over the hundreds—literally hundreds!—of tips that still live on my old Blogger site, because how satisfying would it be to have all of that info in one place? (In a word, very.) In the meantime, if you happen upon this blog of a blog of a blog, I hope you enjoy it.